20 June 2019
Emma Parry, Associate in Wellington won the Young Professionals pitching competition at the ARA New Zealand Rail Conference last night.
Emma’s pitch, titled ‘Building a cost-effective light-rail system – lessons learnt from the UK’, was selected from a wide range of entries from Young Professionals throughout Australasia who pitched innovative ideas on rail. She was nominated as one of three finalists who then presented their ideas to over 240 rail conference delegates on 19 June at the Pullman Hotel in Auckland.
Emma and two other finalists Andrew Roberts from ARTC Inland Rail and Kaylarnee Meleisa-Murray from Arup were judged by conference delegates and key industry judges. Emma was announced as the winner at the ARA New Zealand Rail Dinner later that evening. She has won a TranzAlpine rail journey between Christchurch and Greymouth on top of her all-expenses paid trip to the conference as part of her nomination.
“We are immensely proud of Emma for winning this award and we’d like to thank the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) for their investment in developing Young Rail Professionals. It’s encouraging to see the value ARA has placed on young people sharing their ideas for the successful future of rail networks”.Jonathan Barry, Managing Partner.
Frequency has a strong track record in the transport sector which has been a cornerstone of the business since its inception. With transport and civil specialists in all our offices, we have delivered rail, road, port and airport projects across the country for organisations like KiwiRail, Auckland Transport, City Rail Link and the New Zealand Transport Agency.