Last week saw our Senior Associates and Associates from each of our offices across the country come together to take part in Frequency’s biannual Learning & Development Forums.
At Frequency we believe our greatest asset is our people, so we recognise the importance of investing in them. These forums are an essential part of that investment and of the Frequency calendar, allowing our Associates and Senior Associates the opportunity to get to know their peers better while sharing knowledge, ideas, common challenges and feedback.
Each forum was held over two days, with day one comprising a variety of presentations and company insights from key Frequency and guest speakers, capped off with an entertaining evening of bowls (Senior Associates) and ten-pin bowling (Associates), followed by dinner. The second day, led by external training company, Impact, focused on personal and professional Learning & Development with an engaging and interactive series of activities.
With the variety of presentations and activities, our teams were able to each take something different away from the forums:
“It was a really good opportunity to catch up with the others from round the country and find out what they’ve been up to.”
“I really appreciate these forums and look forward to them every time!”
“(What I liked most was) the opportunity to reflect. The day was about ‘us’ which I appreciated as it is often difficult to make and take time to do the activities we did today.”
“I thought the Impact (training) session was confronting and insightful. It really helped to bond with peers and understand their challenges. It also challenged me personally.”
Looking forward to having the teams all back together for the next forum in June!